Second visit to Freetown for GVWC and the MCC Program. Part of the enjoyment of visiting Freetown is the ferry from the airport across to the city.

Focusing this time on extending the Strategic Performance Improvement Plan to become GVWC’s Business Plan.
Interested to learn more from SMEC’s work that they believe there are ‘990 km of spaghetti line connections’ (pictured) based on a sampled average length per customer of 40m, leakage from joints contributing to the estimated 57% Non-Revenue Water.

Good to meet up with past students from the OpT course: Francis Moijue, Head of Urban Water Supply at Water Directorate, Ministry of Water Resources, and Prince Moore-Sourie, Chief Engineer at GVWC along with past student from Cranfield, Maria Dillon, presently working as WASH Consultant to MCCU, and hoping to catch up with Singe Day on next visit. Not to mention sharing an office desk with George Yarngo, who until recently was Assistant Minister for Community Services at the Ministry of Public Works, Liberia who has recently been given WEDC’s Distinguished Alumnus award. We go back 30 years ….. George, like me, now being a consultant.

Visiting Eastern Area Office to discuss the renewal of the Performance Incentive Plan for staff; something that had a significant effect on billing and revenue collection with first introduced by Dr William Muhairwe and colleagues some years back but which sadly faded away amidst the challenges of the Ebola crisis.