Yvonne Magawa reporting that 'ESAWAS successfully carried out the first of three online trainings on the sanitation regulation guidelines delivered in partnership with the consultants that developed the guidelines and WSUP. The training which was targeted at all the ten Members of the Association had a 33% female representation (10 out of 30).
The first training focused on the Sanitation Service Provision Guidelines which outline requirements for service delivery across the full sanitation service chain. Guided by WSUP trainers, the training was delivered as a Micro-learning approach in small learning units and short-term learning activities.'
My summary of the issues we covered in the first four three hour sessions: •Capture & Containment, Conveyance, Treatment, Resource & Recovery, Disposal•Washers or Wipers?•Sitters or Squatters?•Flushers or Droppers?•‘Shit sticks!’•On-plotters, On-siters or Off-siters?•Pipers or wheelers?•Aerobics or Anaerobics?•Recyclers or Dumpers?Regulating PrinciplesDiscretion‘Referee!’Cost Recovery, Cost ReflectiveWTP, ATPCost of Service RRRRevenue Cap, Price CapCapEx;OpEx; Dep/ CapManExROI/WACCAMP; RABunbundling along SSChainUAC;Efficient Costs;‘Carrots, Sermons (Nudges), Sticks’;StotEX!
