With such sights it has been instructive to work on the Non-Revenue Water Reduction Plan to support other colleagues; suggesting that with Areas' already having an appropriate mixture of Commercial and Engineering Staff then there is little need for a centralized NRW unit which would then conflict with the areas’ responsibilities. Rather there should be a senior NRW Champion in Head Office who would be responsible for ensuring the Areas are delivering and who can then ensure there is an audited and agreed final NRW number.
In the meantime staff have some quite inventive ways of getting water to customers - note the colour coding of these ferrule connections and, if it works, note the challenge to NRW during the limited hours when the water starts to flow.

With a reported 150 working meters only for the 20,000 approx. paying customers and the guesstimated 900km of leaking spaghetti supply lines, many implemented by GVWC staff as the best solution to get piped water to households who can afford to pay the connection costs, there is quite a long way to go before any serious NRW calculation can be determined and trusted.
Adjusted IWA Water Balance for NRW
