Through UNICEF and IRC, continuing to support WATCO and the Government of Odisha in developing institutional approaches to support the roll-out of the 24x7 programme to the secondary towns in the State. With a focus initially on 14 ULBs, we were asked to investigate PPPs but in the particular context of WATCO's development and the excellent involvement of Jalasathis in customer engagement issues we recommended an 'Odisha Small Towns Model' which is designed to take the strengths of the PHED in CapEx delivery, support of the technical operations and maintenance through the introduction of an NWSC Uganda style IDAMs contract for technical operations staff and a Social Enterprise for a much enhanced Jalasathi involvement becoming responsible for customer and commercial elements of service delivery.

The diagram being a reworking of one we prepared for the 'Contracting Out' publication nearly 20 years ago ....