Institutional Change Management Specialist, Guma Valley Water Company (GVWC) Institutional Strengthening, for MCC-MCCU through Adam Smith International, 2018-2020
Researcher author for WSUP six case study on Regulation: Regulations & Regulating, 2019
Postgraduate programme provision: Economic Regulation, ‘Water for All’ Masters Programme 2019 Montpellier, France for Paris AgroTech OpT International Executive Masters In Water Utility Management;
Pro-poor WASH specialist, Supporting Inclusive Water and Sanitation Investments – Millennium Challenge Corporation, for Millennium Challenge Corporation through Oxford Policy Management, 2018-2019
Specialist on Service Management for the Poor, Technical Assistance on Social Inclusion and Gender Mainstreaming for Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company, Millennium Challenge Account-Zambia, Millennium Challenge Corporation, through CowaterSogema International, 2017-18;
Capacity Building, IHUWASH Project led by the National Institute of Urban Affairs, India through IRC, The Netherlands as a consortium partner, 2017-18;
Consultant, WASH Financing for UNICEF WASH Specialists, initial programme completed for West & Central Africa Region in Liberia, & Budapest, Hungary for UNICEF New York, 2017-18;
Expert Consultation on service regulation and the human rights to drinking water and sanitation, UN Special Rapporteur, Léo Heller, May 2017, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Consultant, Economic Sustainability towards the goal of developing a Technical Standard for Community Scale Resource Recovery Sanitation Treatment Systems, for Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation through TÜV SÜD Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd., 2017;
Postgraduate programme provision: Economic Regulation, ‘Water for All’ Masters Programme 2017 for Paris AgroTech OpT International Executive Masters;
Consultant, Training and Methodology Revision for Equitable Water Tariffing, for Water Services Regulatory Commission through UNICEF, Mongolia, Oxford Policy Management, 2016-2017;
Consultant, Establishment of a new institutional framework for sanitation (utility) in Juba, South Sudan, GIZ (2016, fieldwork postponed);
Principal Investigator, Community management of rural water supply systems (India) for Australian Aid, DFAT AUD$1.1m, 2013-2016, Cranfield University and IRC, The Netherlands
Consultant, Evaluation of WSUP, Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor, for DFID, incl. Kenya fieldwork, INTRAC, 2015-16;
Team Leader, Kigali Central Sewage – Feasibility Study, Financing and Socio-Economic Feasibility, WS Atkins for European Investment Bank, 2015-16;
Consultant, Kenya Urban Water Utility Commercial Financing Assistance, with WS Atkins for EY for World Bank, 2015;
Consultant, WSUP Training Seminar, Lusaka, Zambia and author of Public Works Loans Board briefing note with regard to government historical financing in England and Wales, 2015;
Team Member, The limits and possibilities of prepaid water meters in Africa: lessons from the field, for WSP-World Bank, 2013-14;
Reviewer and Technical Advisory Committee, GLAAS and TrackFin, 2012-2014 for World Health Organisation;
Postgraduate lecturer Financial, Regulatory and Pro-Poor Service Elements and Group Project Supervisor, Montpellier and Kampala for Paris AgroTech Executive Masters ‘Water for All’ Programme 2013 & 2015;
Consultant Advisor, 2013-14, Establishment of Pro-Poor Unit for Ghana Water Ltd, Accra, for Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP);
Consultant, 2013, Strengthening Regulation in the Water Sector – Complaints Management, GIZ for Albanian Water Regulatory Authority (WRA);
Global Foresight Advisory Council, Suez Environnement, 2007-2013, Paris, Amsterdam, Barcelona, London, Chongqing, Algiers;
Team Member, Cranfield University NanoMembrane Toilet, for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Reinventing the toilet challenge, 2012-13;
Team Leader, 2011-2013, WaterChoices Kiosks, Kenya and Burkina Faso, for Suez Environnement ‘Water for all’ Foundation;
Team Leader, A comprehensive literature review on charging for and subsidising WASH services, UNICEF, New York, November 2011;
Consultant,2010-2011, Financial modelling for services to the urban poor - Ghana, for USAID through Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP);
Consultant, Performance management framework and establishment of pro-poor KPIs for water utilities, for Ghana Water Ltd and WSUP, 2013;
Consultant, 2010-2014, Innovative solutions to Yemen’s water crisis, Firebrace Consulting for Foreign & Commonwealth Office;
Advisory Panel, WashCost Research, IRC, The Netherlands for The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 2008-2013, India 2008, 2009, Ghana 2008, 2010, Mozambique 2009 & 2011;
Concept note development, Output Based Aid in Water and Sanitation, for DFID, 2010;
Field note researcher and author, ‘24/7 water is achievable’, for Water and Sanitation Program, World Bank, New Delhi, 2010;
Consultant, Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor, WSUP, Nairobi, Kenya, 2009;
Team Leader, Evaluation of International Benchmarking Initiative (IBNET), World Bank, for DFID, 2009;
Consultant, Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor, Ulaan Bataar, Mongolia, Action Contre Le Faim, Paris, 2009;