Major publications include:
“Community Management of Rural Water Supply-Case Studies of Success from India”, 255 pages, Earthscan, Routledge, 2017
“The Limits and Possibilities of Prepaid Water in Urban Africa: Lessons from the Field”, 61 pages, World Bank Group WSP Report, 2014, Washington DC;
“Guidelines for User Fees and Cost Recovery” for both Urban and Rural Sectors, 106 & 100 pages, African Development Bank, Tunis, 2010;
“Regulating Water and Sanitation for the Poor– economic regulation for public and private partnerships”, 286 pages, Earthscan, 2008;
“Serving All Urban Consumers: a marketing approach to water services in low- and middle-income countries”, 272 pages, WEDC, Loughborough University, 2004;
“Tapping the Market – The Challenge of Institutional Reform in the Urban Water Sector”, 210 pages, Palgrave Macmillan Press, 2003;
“Contracting out water and sanitation services, Vol I & II, WEDC, Loughborough University, 82 & 229 pages, 2003;
“Beyond Boundaries: extending services to the urban poor”, Asian Development Bank, 108 pages plus CD Rom, 2002;
"A guide to the development of on-site sanitation", 237 pages, World Health Organisation, Geneva, 1992; Also as “Guide de l’assainissement inviduel”, and “Guia para el desarrollo del saneamiento in situ”;
"Services for Shelter- Physical Infrastructure for Low Income Urban Housing", 147 pp, Liverpool University Press, 1991.
Recent Journal Articles& equivalent include:
"Referee! - Responsibilities, Regulations and Regulating for Urban Sanitation", Franceys, R. with Drabble, S. and WSUP Colleagues, WSUP Discussion Paper, June 2020, Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor, London https://www.wsup.com/blog/stronger-regulators-crucial-to-improving-sanitation-services-for-the-poorest-report-finds/
'Utilitisation' A new paradigm for rural water, Franceys R, IRC Symposium Proceedings, March 2019
Download Paper:
“Assessing the costs and consumer behaviour of increasing water connections in low-income areas of Maputo, Mozambique”, Kinghan, S., Franceys, R., Costa, C. and Baghirathan, V., Waterlines, in press 2018
“First a basic service for all: reducing WASH inequalities through more equitable funding and financing strategies”, Ross, I and Franceys, R in “Equality in Water and Sanitation Services”, Cumming, O. and Slaymaker, T., Earthscan from Routledge, 2018
"Revisiting the history, concepts & typologies of community management for rural drinking water supply in India", Hutchings, P., Franceys, R., Mekala, S., Smits, S. & James, A., International Journal of Water Resources Development, Volume 33, 2017
“Financial Flow Diagrams to promote policy-making, based on 20 community management case studies from India”, R. Franceys, T. Guinaldo, C. Leitner, O.J. Nyangoka, V. Thomas, J. Zeilinger and P. Hutchings, Peer Reviewed Conference Paper, in Local Action with International Cooperation to Improve and Sustain Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) Services, WEDC, Loughborough, 2017
“Financing access to improved water and sanitation, Public Works Loans Board, UK”, Franceys, R. in Local Action with International Cooperation to Improve and Sustain Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) Services, WEDC, Loughborough, 2017
“Governance and regulation of water and sanitation services provision”, Chapter 9, Franceys, R. and Hutchings, P. in Routledge Handbook on Water Law and Policy, Rieu-Clarke, A. Editor, 2017
"What hope for the transition? Evaluating pro-poor water supply interventions in urban low-income settlements in Kenya" Chakava, Y. & Franceys, R., Volume 35, Issue 4, Waterlines, October 2016
“Who really pays? A critical overview of the practicalities of funding universal access” Franceys, R., Cavill, S. and Trevett, A., Volume 35, Issue 1, January 2016, Waterlines
"A systematic review of success factors in the community management of rural water supplies over the past 30 years" Paul Hutchings*, Mei Yee Chan, Lucie Cuadrado, Fatine Ezbakhe, Baptiste Mesa, Chiaki Tamekawa and Richard Franceys, Water Policy 17 (2015) 963–983
"Water charges and subsidies" Chapter 48, Franceys, R., in Routledge Handbook of Water and Health, Bartram, J. Editor, 2015
"Rapid assessment of prepaid water systems in Africa", Heymans, C, Eales, K & Franceys, R , Refereed Paper, 38th WEDC International Conference, Loughborough University, UK, 2015
“Private boreholes for Nairobi’s urban poor: The stop-gap or the solution?”, Chakava, Y, Franceys, R. & Parker, P., Habitat International, 43, 108-116, 2014
“Trends in rural water supply: Towards a service delivery approach”, (Moriarty, P.; Smits, S.; Butterworth, J. and Franceys, R. 2013), Water Alternatives 6(3): 329-349
“Consumer Involvement in Water Services Regulation”, (Franceys R and Gerlach E), Utilities Policy, Volume 19, Issue 2, June 2011, Pages 61-70
“Regulating Water Services in Developing Economies – regulating for universal access to water”, Gerlach E and Franceys R, World Development, Volume 38, Issue 9, September 2010, Pages 1229-1240
‘Improved access to urban water services in Uganda’, Kayaga, S., Fisher, J., & Franceys, R., Municipal Engineer, Institution of Civil Engineers, Volume 162, Issue ME3, September 2009, p165-170
‘Financing small towns’ water supply in Ghana’, Braimah, C., and Franceys, R., Water Utility Management International, Volume 4, Issue 3, September 2009
‘Standpipes and beyond’ - A Universal Water Service Dynamic", Gerlach E & Franceys R, Journal of International Development, 2009
“Regulating Water Services for The Poor: The Case of Amman”, Gerlach E & Franceys R, Geoforum Vol 40, Issue 3, 40 (2009) 431–441
“GATS, ‘Privatisation’ and Institutional Development for Urban Water Provision: Future postponed’?”, Franceys R, Progress in Development Studies, 8,1, Sage, pp45-58, 2008
“The Price-setting Process and a Potential Role for Economic Regulation in a Water Scarce Developing Country”, Matros-Goreses, A. & Franceys R., Water Science and Technology: Water Supply and Water Practice and Technology, Volume 8, Issue 3, 2008
“Better practice in supplying water to the poor in global PPPs”, (Jacobs J & Franceys R), Municipal Engineer, Institution of Civil Engineers, Volume 161, Issue ME4, pp247-254, December 2008
“Water services regulation for the urban poor: Zambia”, (Kayaga S & Franceys R), Water Management, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol 161, April 2008, pp 65-71
“The challenge of economic regulation of water and sanitation in urban India”, (Gessler M, Brighu U and Franceys R), Habitat International, 2007, Vol 32/1 pp 49-57
“Costs of Urban Utility Water Connections: Excessive Burden to the Poor”, (Kayaga S & Franceys R) Utilities Policy, Elsevier, Volume 15, Issue 4, December 2007, Pages 270-277
“Customer committees, economic regulation and the Water Framework Directive”, (Franceys, R) Water Science & Technology: Water Supply, Vol 6 No 5 pp 9–15 © IWA Publishing 2006
“Charging to enter the water shop? The costs of urban water connections for the poor” (Franceys, R), Water Science & Technology: Water Supply Vol 5 No 6 pp 209–216 © IWA Publishing 2005
“Water and Sanitation Services for the Urban Poor” (Franceys R & Weitz A), Waterlines, Journal of appropriate technologies for water supply and sanitation, Intermediate Technology Publications, 2003; ISSN 02628104.
“Bill payment behaviour in urban water services: empirical data from Uganda”, (Kayaga, S., Franceys R & Sansom, K), Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology - Aqua, London, 2004
“Public Private Partnerships In Small Town Water Supply In Uganda” (S Price & Franceys R), Waterlines, Journal of appropriate technologies for water supply and sanitation, Intermediate Technology Publications, 2003; ISSN 02628104.
"Public-Private Community Partnerships in Infrastructure for the Poor”, (Franceys R & Weitz A), Journal of International Development, 15, 1083-1098, Wiley InterScience, 2003
Recent Short Works
"The UK Public Works Loans Board: central government loans for local government investment", Franceys, R., WSUP Finance Brief, Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor, London, September 2015
"The Urban Water Supply Guide, Service delivery options for low-income communities", 33pp, Noakes, C. & Franceys, R, Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor, London, May 2014
“24X7 Water Supply is Achievable – The Karnataka Urban Water Sector Improvement Project” (with Jalakam, A), Water and Sanitation Program Field Note, September 2010, World Bank, New Delhi
“Services are forever: the importance of capital maintenance in ensuring sustainable WASH services”, (with Pezon, C.), WASHCost Briefing Note 1b, August 2010, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague
“Life-cycle costs approach- costing sustainable services”, (with Fonseca, C. et al.,) WASHCost Briefing Note 1a, November 2011, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague
“The cost of capital: Costs of financing capital expenditure for water and sanitation” (with Naafs, A. and Pezon, C.), WASHCost Briefing Note 1c, September 2011, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague
Reviews of 'Tapping the Market':
"written in an extremely clear style" and is "excellent…. but depressing to read" - Academic Reviewer
"too expensive ..." - A Student